
Showing posts from December, 2017

Aches, withdrawal & depression, Merry Christmas to me

I've been in bed since Saturday night with a bad stomach bug. I missed Christmas and this makes me so sad. I heard the happy jolly festivities comencing in the rest of the house as I lay moaning and groaning in a bundle in the corner room trying to sleep it off on Christmas Eve. I heard the door creak open and I half awoke from a nap. I didn't realize my son was sitting on the edge of the bed by my side in the dark. The creak from the door opening was my mother checking in on me. I heard her step in and speak to my son. She said, "no, mijo don't cry, your mommas going to be ok" I was half asleep but I still felt that tinge in my heart as it ached for him as I hate making him sad. I drifted back to sleep as he layed down next to me. Although I was asleep I was a happy momma he was laying by my side. I heard my brothers check in on me as they whispered Merry Christmas to me each at separate times. My sister came in and offered to take me to the ER as she heard me