
Showing posts from August, 2016

CT results

     A CT was ordered to see what kind of progress the chemo has made thus far. My oncologist said that the cancer has not spread to any other areas. The cancer has not gotten any bigger however it has not shrunk as much as she would have liked at this point. My heart ached hearing this. She sensed that I was not pleased and reiterated that it has not grown AND it has not spread either. She said to give this news it's proper credit for being a small victory. I just couldn't help myself in concentrating on the negative. I don't know why I do that.      My sister asked her what the plan was after my 6th chemo. Will she order radiation, or order surgery to remove my breast(s)? Etc. She said I was to continue chemo indefinitely. This was a shock to my system. I was in disbelief. I felt like the air was sucked out of my world and I couldn't breath. The word sank in, INDEFINITELY. My eyes filled with tears. I tried to slow my heavy breathing. I was on the verge of having a

4th Chemo August 12th

     Saw my oncologist on August 12th at 830am. I explained that I hurt my tailbone lifting my suitcase which I'm guessing was around 45lbs. The reason I think it was that heavy is because whenever I've taken a trip/vacation and had to check my luggage it couldn't be over 40lbs or I'd have to pay. Well it felt that heavy give or take a few pounds. Anyhow, I hurt myself and I was in pain. So, she decided to add 2 additional medications to my chemotherapy for that morning. A steroid and a bone strengthener.      I was done with my oncologist and now me and my sister headed over to the chemo room. I got comfy in a recliner then they hooked up to my port. This was around 9am. They gave me my typical 3 medications and the 2 new ones. I had a constant drip of medications until they unhooked me at 4pm. That's 7 hours my friends but I was finally done.      Saturday the 13th was a benefit plate sale in my honor from 12pm to 6pm. So many friends and family came out and it