4th Chemo August 12th

     Saw my oncologist on August 12th at 830am. I explained that I hurt my tailbone lifting my suitcase which I'm guessing was around 45lbs. The reason I think it was that heavy is because whenever I've taken a trip/vacation and had to check my luggage it couldn't be over 40lbs or I'd have to pay. Well it felt that heavy give or take a few pounds. Anyhow, I hurt myself and I was in pain. So, she decided to add 2 additional medications to my chemotherapy for that morning. A steroid and a bone strengthener.
     I was done with my oncologist and now me and my sister headed over to the chemo room. I got comfy in a recliner then they hooked up to my port. This was around 9am. They gave me my typical 3 medications and the 2 new ones. I had a constant drip of medications until they unhooked me at 4pm. That's 7 hours my friends but I was finally done.
     Saturday the 13th was a benefit plate sale in my honor from 12pm to 6pm. So many friends and family came out and it was a great success. I tried being the best hostess but I wore myself out. By 530pm I couldn't go on, I was spent and I had to go home. I layed down and instantly fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later and I was having a hot flash even though the AC was on 65 and facing me. I could feel heat radiating from my head, back and chest. My body ached. A few minutes later I was freezing. I felt drained of any energy. It was a combo of heat exhaustion and the chemo from the day before. I was out for 3 days. I didn't know day from night, up from down. I was in bed the whole time except when I had to go to the bathroom.  After the 3rd day I was still fatigue but the hot/cold flashes had stopped and was replaced with nausea. Lovely. That lasted for another 3 days. I then started to come out of it slowly but surely day by day. Thank goodness. That one came on fast and strong.


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