
Showing posts from April, 2016

Copay's, Deductibles & Out of Pocket OH MY!!!

Image Breast Cancer Treatment Fund/Donations             A very special coworker took it upon herself to set up an account to help me with medical expenses. I was in shock, speechless and at the same time so very appreciative.  I never expected that anyone would go out of their way for me.  I'm still amazed every time I think about it.  There truly are kindhearted people in the world that follow the "Golden Rule." Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Below is an excerpt of the Fundraiser Campaign            This is Jeannette.  My beautiful, bubbly and extremely friendly friend with the biggest smile and heart.  She was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer (there is NO Stage 5). It spread into numerous lymph nodes in her neck, chest, liver  AND her spine.  She had a cancerous mass that had nearly disintegrated three vertebrae and worked its way into the spinal column, making its way to her spinal cord.  She

Texting in the Ladies Room. TMI?

This is what happens when you wake up in the weee early morning hour to us the ladies room and you take your phone and you wonder if your sister is awake yet getting ready for work....           #TeamSweetJean Cancer Treatment Fund

Sometimes there are Detours

Well, It's been two weeks since my spinal surgery. I vaguely remember the 1st week seeing that I was heavily sedated with some very good drugs and a morphine pump that I never let go of ( I actually pinned it to my gown).  Apparently everything went well and they had me mobile pretty soon after which I was very surprised.  I thought I'd be laid out for a few days before doing any moving around.  I was in ICU for a couple days, then moved to NeuroTele for 2 days then another "wing" same floor for 2 additional days. Each room/floor requiring less and less supervision.  I was waiting on my insurance to approve Rehab.           Dr. Jude and Dr. Couch agreed it be best that I be released to a Rehabilitation Facility to 1) Allow my body to heal properly and under supervision & 2) To build up my overall balance and upper body strength.  Their guest Imation was 4weeks of healing and a couple weeks of rehabilitation.  I was finally approved and transferred from Main Meth

Typical Night

Main Methodist 04/07/2016 3:50 a.m.           Awoke to pain in my back (my incision site, where my staples are holding me together to be exact) My body felt hot, my hair clammy & damp. Felt my breathing was labored but not much because of the cannula I had in my nose giving me oxygen.My legs were sweating from the leg compressions my RN John put on me before I fell asleep.  Its to keep the blood circulating in my legs he said.  Let me not forget to mention the neck brace I've been wearing since the day I came out of surgery was pushing up my chin tightly to where my tongue is constantly swollen and pushing down on my staples on the back of my neck.  Dr. Jude said I needed to leave it on for up to 4weeks and that's what I intend on doing.  Does it hurt? Yes, Do I want to loosen it? Yes, Do I need a break? Yes. Will I do any of that? NO!!!           I was waking from a dream. I vaguely remember.....I know I was smiling, carefree, young, rosy cheek kid with no care in

Hindsight is usually "Comic Relief" with me!!

Guess who finally had a Bowl Movement after 4 days of nothing, at 1am in the morning? Guess who's legs feel asleep mid-thigh to the tips of their toes after the BM and thought she was paralyzed and gonna fall off the toilet and re-injure and/or brake her back? I grasped onto that heavy duty plastic shower curtain with my left hand for dear life! I looked up as best i could with this neck collar on and prayed the metal rings would hold up under pressure. I clutched the door knob with my other hand and leaned back a bit. The realization of paralysis was coming back! I shook them, I bounced them around,  I imagined I was riding an invisible bike, I slapped them up, I rubbed them down.....nothing. No sensation whatsoever. I tried it with more vigorous motions then I tried with less pressure and that did n't work either.  I BEGAN TO PANIC! I HAD TO PULL THE STRING TO THE "CALL NURSE" TWO Nurses had to come in and squat/sit in front of me in the small bathr

Removing the dressing

     Well, I just got a bath from my RN Angie here at Main Methodist. Pain management has been controlled fairly well considering that I have about a 16 inch scar down my back with staples holding me in place. My doctor wants the dressing off and to let it "breath".          So basically, I had another woman wash my entire body, crevices and ALL. (and I mean all). Let me start off by adding that I have no desire to "be with a woman" ever, but it felt very comforting having her help me wash.  I wasn't embarrassed ever at any point during the shower.  She just might be one the best RN's I've come across.  Aside from Alabama (Sidney) on cancer floor #8. She was a lil ray of sunshine,  still is, as I think of her today. Definitely need to go say hi/bye at some point.  Nurses do not get the credit they deserve.  They truly are angels on earth! #TeamSweetJean Cancer Treatment Fund