Copay's, Deductibles & Out of Pocket OH MY!!!

          A very special coworker took it upon herself to set up an account to help me with medical expenses. I was in shock, speechless and at the same time so very appreciative.  I never expected that anyone would go out of their way for me.  I'm still amazed every time I think about it.  There truly are kindhearted people in the world that follow the "Golden Rule." Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Below is an excerpt of the Fundraiser Campaign

          This is Jeannette.  My beautiful, bubbly and extremely friendly friend with the biggest smile and heart.  She was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer (there is NO Stage 5). It spread into numerous lymph nodes in her neck, chest, liver AND her spine.  She had a cancerous mass that had nearly disintegrated three vertebrae and worked its way into the spinal column, making its way to her spinal cord.  She underwent major Spinal Surgery on 3/29/16 to avoid permanent paralysis!

          Her medical bills are piling up ridiculously and are only expected to grow.  I have decided to set up this page to help with those expenses.  Her medical insurance will only cover a % percentage (insurance terms such as "Deductibles & Out Of Pocket" come into play here) and she will have to take days off work for Radiation and Chemotherapy. Her BCBS effective date is June 1st. Her copays, deductibles and Out of Pocket return to $0 ZERO.  Which means she has to try and met her 2k deductible and her 4k Out of Pocket all over again before her insurance will pick up. Her being a single parent could use all te help she can get.  I personally know that she will appreciate each and every dollar donated.
        Please help my friend who has a heart of Gold!
Thank you,
Olivia Lopez


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