That time again already?

I couldn't sleep well last night, I tossed and turned. A three letter question krept into my dreams and woke me. A few times today, out of nowhere, tears filled my eyes and an instant lump swelled in my throat because that same three letter word snuck up on me causing me to cry silent tears. Crying because I know I'll never have an answer. Crying because there is no answer.
A few days before chemo my mind goes into overload and I mentally start counting down the days. I start to feel sad and depressed the closer I get thinking of what could of been, what is now and what could be in the future. My heart body and soul know I have chemo tomorrow. That three letter word haunts my dreams and taunts me when I'm awake. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, looking into my sad hurt eyes, looking at my bald head, looking up towards the heavens, tears streaming down my cheeks, silently screaming that single question. My brain understands that there will never be an answer, ever, but my heart apparently isn't that smart.


  1. I feel your pain and frustration. I have been through 4 different chemo regimens that have all stopped working. Now I am on Xeloda and praying it stops the mets from spreading. At my original dose they had me on, the side effects were so bad I had to stop and ended up in the hospital 3x! Now i am back on at much lower dose just praying that it works and that the side effects are livable. I try so hard to see the positives in all of this, closer to family and friends, my figure is back - helluva a way to get it back! But the WHY is always there and the answer will never come. I don't want to be the inspiration to everyone!!! I want my life back, my energy back and I know that's not going to happen and I know I need to live with my new normal and keep fighting! Keep fighting sister - I'm with you.


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