CT Results

Well, it's not the news I wanted to hear. My cancer is no longer "stable" It has progressed in my lung and lymphnodes. My run with perjeta, herceptin and taxotere has come to an end. My oncologist is trying to get Tykerb and Xeloda approved by my insurance. Once approved I will no longer take my original medication through my mediport every 3 weeks but rather my new medication In pill form two weeks on and one week off. I'm worried how my body will react to stopping the medication I've been on for just over a year and starting something completely new. Will it be a shock to my body? I'm worried of the side effects of the new medications. Especially the sores in my mouth and the hand and foot syndrome which causes my palms and bottom of my feet to dry up and crack and bleed making it difficult to walk. Of course the usual side effects of diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue are attached to these drugs. I'll face any and all issues as I'm faced with them. I guess I'll have to play it by ear when it comes to work. As most of you know I went back to work part-time in February as a bit of a trial and I'm still there. They have been really awesome in working with me as far as what I can and can not do. I don't know how this new medication regime will effect my quality of life. This scares me the most. Two weeks on and one week off seems harsh but I guess only time will tell. My CT scan also revealed that I have fluid around my lungs which she said explains why I'm out of breath a lot of the time. I had hoped that my next blog entry would have been a good one since the past few have been downers but I'm afraid not. What I can say is that maybe the progression is a blessing in disguise to have me begin medication that will work better for me. Yes, I think this to be true. No, I KNOW this TO BE TRUE. I need each and everyone of you that's read this far to say this and BELIEVE this with me. I love you all, each and every one of you.


  1. I will keep you in my prayers. I BELIEVE these new medications WILL work for YOU!!
    Angel Quintanilla (WC family)

  2. You are in my prayers. I believe this new medication will be exactly what you need. Much love sent with prayers.

  3. Thank you for your kind words.
    C-C-Cou, G-G-Gar!:)

  4. Jeannette it's so sad to hear on what your going through. Your a very strong woman and if u got through your first treatment you can challenge this one too. Never imagine this would happen to you in a million years but God is there for you. Staying strong through all this takes a lot of strength and I'm glad ur strong and u don't give up u make yourself enjoy everyday that goes by weather it's tough on some days. I hope you get better soon and pray everything goes good with ur next Rx.

  5. I know your disappointed and afraid of what the next medication will be like . I also know you and I know your a fighter and will take all in stride because your a very strong lil girl . What ever comes God will be holding your hand all the way, have Faith my darling daughter . You have all of your Family and all these wonderful friends Praying for you . We love you , I love you more then Life itself . What ever comes we all will be here for you . Love you mija .

  6. I believe and will keep praying you my friend.

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  8. I am so happy to know your are still alive and going strong! I pray you have many many more years with your son!


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