Chemo #3 July 15th

Friday, I was happy to see Marsha in my station at chemo today. This sassy but sincere and kind nurse assessed my mediport with little discomfort that lasted but a few seconds. Thank goodness cause if y'all ain't noticed yet, i'm a bit of a scaredy cat. My mom would call it "being a ninny" lol. They've all been nice and compassionate here. Me and sissy got to sit diagonal from each other which was nice. I only felt bad when I saw her leaning her head against the wall to try and get comfy. I offered her my pillow but she wouldn't take it. So, guess what?  Next time I'm bringing an extra little pillow, problem solved. :) We were there about 5 hours. I was done by about 1pm. We meet up with my niece/god-daughter at her appointment down the block. Then she treated me to lunch. Me and sissy headed back to the apartment and took a little nap.
        Got up from our nap and headed to a meeting for my fundraiser. Of which my friends put together for me. It was nice to have a gathering of friends and family.  It's so refreshing knowing that there are truly genuine sincere people in the world. Willing to lend a helping hand out of the kindness of their hearts. The meeting was over and my friends headed out but hey, the karaoke guy was almost done setting up. Maybe we'll hang out for a bit longer. I stayed up past my bedtime (midnight) WooHoo! I'm a wild woman! Lol
        Saturday we celebrated my son's birthday. He is the light in my eyes. Any fight I have in me is from that kid. We had food and some cake. The sparkle in his eyes and smile on his face can fuel my fight from here to eternity! He means the world to me.
        Sunday, in the wee early hours of around 3am is when it started. My stomach began to cramp, I felt nauseated, fatigued, hot, cold and clammy. There was a stirring in my tummy that was a fair warning. I swung my blanket off of me instantly and I made a bee line to the toilet. Leaned over and threw up. It was disgusting and I wondered how all that was in my stomach. I finally came to a stopping point and cleaned up as quickly as I could cause I had an unsettling feeling I wasn't done. I knew I had to clean the toilet quickly because I NEEDED to sit, if you know what I mean. I grabbed the trashcan and dug out the qtips and empty cardboard toilet paper rolls. Basically anything that couldn't or shouldn't be flushed down the toilet. I sat on the toilet and huged the trashcan. Both ends were now in cahoots. I rested my head as best I could (still don't have alot of flex in my neck from my surgery) on the sink for about an hour I'm guessing. I finally cleaned myself up and sat on the sofa. Which was silly. Why would I think it would be that simple? This wasn't your run of the mill tummy ache. This is full blown cancer, full blown chemo! Back to the toilet, back to hugging the trashcan, back to the bubble guts and cramping, back to throwing up out of my mouth and nose, back to diarrhea, back to hot and cold sweats, back to clammy skin, back to crying, back to wishing you were just a kid and mom's going to come and rub my back and make it all go away!!!!!! MOM!!!! MOMMY!!!!!......then.....back to real life.


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