Good Morning :)

       Well, i'm off this week from work. They are giving me the week after chemo off due to my typical symptoms. My employer is great about it, God is Great.
       Well, I had lite stomach aches Friday and Saturday night throughout my sleep but my days have been ok. I was fully expecting to wake up sick today because I was having head fevers throughout Saturday and Sunday night but, no. I woke up ok, just a bit hungry. My stomach is a bit bipolar this morning. It's going from stomach ache to hungry in a matter of seconds for the past 2 hours. Since I still have some energy in me I'm thinking of getting up and getting some food in my tummy!
       I had chemo on Friday. I'm usually good for two days, that being Saturday and Sunday (thanks to steroids) and USUALLY my symptoms kick in on Monday (today). But I'm doing pretty good considering. My head fevers have subsided and my energy is average and my stomach is a bit bipolar but like I said I might eat something now before I lose my appetite. Once I lose my appetite I usually lose it for three days and I'm in bed the whole time and that's when my symptoms kick in and are at their worst. Stomach cramping, muscles twisting under my skin, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, head fevers, fatigue and depression. I haven't tossed my cookies the past few times thank goodness!
       What I'm trying to say is that I'm having a good morning and I'm happy about it. I'll take a good day over a bad day, any day. Wish me luck that this chemo round is easier than the previous ones. Have a Great Day!


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