Discharged finally!

So my oncologist and the Floor doctor hesitated a bit but made the decision to discharge me yesterday afternoon. There was some hesitation because my potassium, magnesium and phosphorus were still lower than they'd like them to be. When I got to the hospital they were reading below the average low, now they are reading in the average low. This is after a week of them pushing it through on iv directly into the medaport in my chest for a week. Having diarrhea meant that whatever they gave me would go right through me. My chemotherapy medication was stopped because that was thought to be the reason for the diarrhea. Anti-diarrhea medication was given to stop the diarrhea but my body didn't respond until after a few days. Once the diarrhea was lessened then my body was able to absorb the potassium, magnesium and phosphorus that was being administered just at a slower rate. Days passed and my labwork showed that my readings would go up and then they would take a dip, then it would go up just to go down again. Every day was the same story. Just when it looked like I was in the up and up, a few hours later it would go down. I was like the little engine that could. "I think I can...I think I can...choo-choo" I was gaining momentum but very slowly. The last couple of days before I was released I felt good, my energy level was good, I looked good, my appetite was back. The only thing holding me back was that my body for whatever reason wasn't absorbing more of the medications. I was in the average low but they wanted to get me above that. They tried for days. They were scratching their heads. They finally made the decision to release me. They prescribed me potassium and magnesium in pill form among a handful of other medications. I'm to take my prescribed medications, discontinue my chemotherapy medications and to take it easy for a week. They said once I get home, get some fresh air, eat regular food take the medications that my body should bounce back and I should be fine. I'm to see my oncologist the first week of November to check my bloodwork but she for sees me doing well. I asked about work and she said she wanted to hold off for another week. I told her that some of my family were going on a road trip to sight see and she said that was fine but to make sure and not ignore my body should I develop a fever or if I should get fatigued again to go to the ER. So with that, my discharge was approved and I was out in a few hours. First day out and I feel a bit tired but nothing bad. I got my sea legs back! So things should be back to normal (my new normal that is living with cancer) in about a week. This chemotherapy cycle kicked my butt but I don't stay down for long, I won't stay down for long and I refuse to be down for long. I'm a diamond baby, didn't you know you can't break me!


  1. Diamond girl! I am praying for you and your family.

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