I'm dying

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink is my favorite color, but it goes beyond pink for me. I'm stage 4 because the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes, chest, neck, liver, lung and bones with NO cure.
When people think of Breast Cancer Awareness month they also think of Susan B Kolmen. People feel it in their heart to give/donate. Even though I'm happy that they raise so much money for "Early Detection" and "Spreading Awareness" only about 7% goes towards research in finding a cure. (Not sure if that's from all donations or just grants which is even less) I was heartbroken to learn this. Isn't "for the cure" their slogan? Now, obviously I can't tell them how to allocate their donations/grants but 7% doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be more? At the least 30%. I just get so fired up because I'll always be on chemo I'll never be cancer free and I'll never be in remission because there still isn't a cure. I'M DYING FOR A CURE!
I know I'm going to ruffle some feathers with this post but I don't mind letting the public know my opinion as I share some facts or starting a conversation about this. If you want to donate to Breast Cancer Research, just because or in honour of a loved one you can donate to metavivor.org where 100% of your donation goes towards research. Yes you read correctly, 100%.
About 43,583 woman died from breast cancer in 1991 in the US.
According to cdc.gov
About 41,211 woman died from breast cancer in 2014 in the US.
According to cdc.gov
About 40,610 woman are estimated to die in 2017 in the US according to breastcancer.org 
According to Susan B Kolmen's 2016 Research Grant Investment Overview,
nearly $33 million invested in 103 grants. That was just last year alone.
More than $920 million invested in research since 1982.
Wow! That's a lot of money raised that went to research. So, tell me why the number of deaths in 1991 are about the same estimated for 2017? That's nearly $1 billion raised with little change to mortality rate.
On the home page of Susan B Kolmen's website it states in large bright pink font that the mortality rate is down by 38%. Not according to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention ( cdc.org ) or breastcancer.org or the American Cancer Society. Nancy, Susan's sister said she would do anything in her power to end breast cancer. That was in 1980. Now, rumor has it that the facts are getting out to the public so Susan B Kolmen is more open to speaking with woman who have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer when before they would shut the door in their face so to speak because they didn't want to hear what we had to say on the matter. One of my friends Amy was asked to leave a fundraising event run by Susan B Kolmen because she was wearing her mets (stage 4 metastatic) jacket. This is one of many incidents that I was shocked to learn. They don't want us there because we know the truth and are not afraid to say it. The truth will set you free.
The numbers just don't add up.
Don't come at me that I'm a hater or that I'm trying to throw them under the bus. I present you with facts from each of their websites. I don't like being deceived and lied to. I don't like being used for my terminal illness to raise money for my cure when you put only 7% towards a cure! You should be ashamed! 7%? GTFO with that bs! You don't want to get me started on Nancy's (Susan's sister) yearly salary as CEO.
I'm a person who has a big heart, wants to believe everyone is a good person, always giving second and third chances, forgiving etc. I would love to learn that SBK was changing in the way of support to those who are dying for a cure, those of us who are terminal those of us who have been left out because we don't fit their "survivor" happy ending pink party.
I would love to live long enough to see that they are truly making strides towards advancements in finding a cure. That would be a dream come true but there needs to be some changes on their behalf. The numbers speak for themselves. The statistics from The American Cancer Society, Center for Disease Control and American Breastcancer.org all mirror each other showing very little change in mortality while SBK website states mortality is down by 35%. SBK has raised over $920 million for research in finding a cure yet the numbers show, again, year after year, decade after decade very little change in mortality rate. I think I made my point clear. Before buying anything pink because you want to support the cause, ask yourself, how much of the proceeds gets donated to breast cancer? Before sponsoring someone in a pink race ask yourself how much money goes towards finding an actual cure, how much goes to awareness (I think we're all aware) and how much goes to lining their pockets?
If you truly want to donate towards research in finding a cure donate to
Metavivor.org where 100% goes toward research. They are all volunteering getting paid to do this by way of Grant money and because they truly want to get closer to finding a cure. 


  1. Amen. I am dying too. Mets to brain. Stage 4 has no happy ever after only death.


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