
Showing posts from March, 2016

Immediate after spinal surgery. (Results)

          Well,  I got out of surgery on Tuesday, its Thursday night for me now.  I've been in and out of consciousness as you can only imagine.  Apparently, everything was a success.  Dr. J Jude was able to remove most of the cancerous mass that had begun to disintegrate three vertebrae that were pushing into my spinal column, which pushed into my spinal cord space (what little space I had left).           It was so urgent that this be done.  My cancer treatment had to be "put on hold" due to the severity of my situation.   My oncologist told me "after" surgery that a simple "sneeze" could have caused me to be paralyzed, on a ventilator wearing a diaper for the rest of my life!             It's so very hard to hear this because I know I'll never be "out of the woods" I'll need to monitor and continually shrink the cancer as time goes by till I die. Which is perfectly fine with me.             Dr.  Jude said that he got most

Surgery Update & Giving Thanks - Happy Easter! He Has Risen

           Easter Sunday (My 4th day in the hospital).  My brain MRI came back negative!  No lesions.  Thanks be to God!              Thanks to those who have visited and sent flowers and cards, thank you to everyone else who sent prayers and well wishes throughout my journey as of now. Thank you to those who are going to visit tomorrow (you know who you are :) It really means a lot to me. It's helped in keeping my spirit up and a smile on my face through the most difficult time in my life.           Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday late morning around 10 a.m. Surgery will be 6 - 8 hours. God willing everything goes well. I'll be in recovery in the ICU for a day or two as per protocol then I'll be in a regular recovery room for a couple more days. Of course after that I'll immediately start my chemo therapy.  Radiation won't begin until after I've healed from surgery. I really appreciate all your kind words and support and your prayers. Please continue, I ap

Devastating Results

Well the MRI results are in.             I have multiple areas of concern on my spine. Of those, one area posses a MAJOR threat. There are 3 consecutive vertebra's that have a cancerous mass protruding into my spinal column. Should it push/pinch the spinal cord it can cause paralysis. Chemo and radiation have been put on hold because of the threat of paralysis. This needs to be taken care of ASAP.  My Neurosurgeon Dr. Jordan Jude will put together a team and I will undergo Spinal Surgery early this coming week.            The object is to remove enough of the mass so that its not pushing into the spinal column. Then he will need to place pins and screws where the three vertebrae are because the cancer has begun to disintegrate the bone. He will stabilize the area so as to keep my spine from collapsing. Which its already begun to curve.            Once the surgery is complete then I can begin Chemotherapy to treat the Breast, Liver, Lymph nodes and other areas in my spine th

I got "THE" call

          "Miss  Ortiz, Dr. Couch received your results to the Pet Scan and she needs to reschedule your follow-up appointment from the 31st to tomorrow, first thing in the morning, 830 a.m. ok for you?.....Miss Ortiz?.....You there?."  I was in shock. I replied,  "Yes, I'll be there." Whatever it was that she needed to tell me couldn't wait another week. This scared me like you wouldn't believe.   I Knew it was bad news and I'd have to wait till the morning to find out exactly what that was. Needless to say I had a restless night, as you can imagine.            I sat in the exam room with my sissy by my side.   We decided to let mom sit this one out because we knew she was already emotionally drained and we wanted her to have a little more sleep. We were waiting for my doctor to come in with results. When she did walk in, she sat down next to me and held my hand "It doesn't look good" she said.  She basically went on to tell me t

The Beginning

           Well, it's a beginning at least. I met my oncologist, Dr. Couch and I like her. She seems passionate and shows compassion to my situation.  She explained everything, of which most went right over my head. Thank goodness I had my sissy with me to absorb information. It's one thing knowing you have breast cancer (from a mammogram, ultrasound, or biopsy) but when you actually sit down and talk about test results and starting a chemo therapy treatment plan with your oncologist the realization sinks in and it sinks in hard.  Tears started welling up in my eyes and the largest lump swelled in my throat. I had to tell myself to take a deep breath (in thru the nose out thru the mouth), take a deep breath, (in thru the nose out thru the mouth), take a deep breath..... Her mouth was moving but everything went silent.  I stared at the painting on the wall of a single yellow rose and I thought of my grandma and I thought,  "give me strength grandma...I miss you so so much&

The waiting game

Well, tomorrow I meet my Oncologist. Everything is still up in the air.  Not surprised considering my life has been turned upside down.  Will she suggest a full mastectomy?  Will she suggest chemo and/or radiation?  Will she order a PET Scan first before making any suggestions?  Auugghh!  I wish I could get started with treatment already. This waiting game is driving me crazy. What's really bothering me is not knowing if the cancer has spread to other organs.  I could be sitting here while it festers secretly somewhere else. Has it traveled to my lungs, liver,  heart, bones or even worse.... my brain.  I guess I'll get answers as they come. I'm trying to stay positive I'm trying to be strong I'm trying to stay busy but when I sit here and look out into the horizon I can't help but think to much and cry.

Sunday Drive with family

#TeamSweetJean Friday and Saturday were the toughest days of my life. Friday finding out that I have breast cancer and yesterday telling my family after a sleepless night of crying. However, I'll leave that for another day. Today, Sunday my family decided it would be a good idea to take a drive to a little town just outside city limits for their award winning BBQ. (Laugh out loud) The idea is to get me out of the city and into some fresh clean air, warm sun on my skin.  To clear my mind, my thoughts.  A way to rejuvenate and recharge my battery. Decisions were made to have me sit back and enjoy the scenery from the back seat of my own car. I thought to myself, "Don't mind if I do" I don't particularly like driving.   Especially since my back and arms are still hurting from a car accident I had 5 months ago. (I'll save that story for another day) As I sit back enjoying the ride, warm sun on my face wind in my long hair I realize these long locks will soo