Surgery Update & Giving Thanks - Happy Easter! He Has Risen

          Easter Sunday (My 4th day in the hospital).  My brain MRI came back negative!  No lesions.  Thanks be to God!
          Thanks to those who have visited and sent flowers and cards, thank you to everyone else who sent prayers and well wishes throughout my journey as of now. Thank you to those who are going to visit tomorrow (you know who you are :) It really means a lot to me. It's helped in keeping my spirit up and a smile on my face through the most difficult time in my life.

          Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday late morning around 10 a.m. Surgery will be 6 - 8 hours. God willing everything goes well. I'll be in recovery in the ICU for a day or two as per protocol then I'll be in a regular recovery room for a couple more days. Of course after that I'll immediately start my chemo therapy.  Radiation won't begin until after I've healed from surgery. I really appreciate all your kind words and support and your prayers. Please continue, I appreciate all I can get. I'm not out of the woods yet.

          I don't have any test, scans or surgeries scheduled tomorrow, Monday. I will however have Father Ryan (I believe) visit to do Sacrament of healing,  anointing of the sick for me. I plan on using that time to get into a good positive head space. To read scripture, to pray, to meditate and get my game face on and think nothing but positive thoughts. I leave the surgery in God's hands and I pray he gives the surgeons guidance. 

Special thanks to: 
Debbie & Gilbert for the gifts
and praying the rosary with me.

Christine for the gift that I will be reading
tonight, tomorrow and so on.

Every family member and friend(s) who
have visited so far. I love you.

Last but not least to my sister (sissy)
Jennifer & my Mother for not leaving my 
side and holding my hand through it all.



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