Immediate after spinal surgery. (Results)

          Well,  I got out of surgery on Tuesday, its Thursday night for me now.  I've been in and out of consciousness as you can only imagine.  Apparently, everything was a success.  Dr. J Jude was able to remove most of the cancerous mass that had begun to disintegrate three vertebrae that were pushing into my spinal column, which pushed into my spinal cord space (what little space I had left).

          It was so urgent that this be done.  My cancer treatment had to be "put on hold" due to the severity of my situation.   My oncologist told me "after" surgery that a simple "sneeze" could have caused me to be paralyzed, on a ventilator wearing a diaper for the rest of my life!  

          It's so very hard to hear this because I know I'll never be "out of the woods" I'll need to monitor and continually shrink the cancer as time goes by till I die. Which is perfectly fine with me.  

          Dr.  Jude said that he got most of it out. The plan was to stabilize the three vertebrae that have been eaten away at with pins and rods and to remove the pressure on my spine.  He even stabilized 3 vertebrae above and three vertebrae below for a total of 9 vertebrae! 

#TeamSweetJean Cancer Treatment Fund


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