I got "THE" call

          "Miss  Ortiz, Dr. Couch received your results to the Pet Scan and she needs to reschedule your follow-up appointment from the 31st to tomorrow, first thing in the morning, 830 a.m. ok for you?.....Miss Ortiz?.....You there?."  I was in shock. I replied,  "Yes, I'll be there."
Whatever it was that she needed to tell me couldn't wait another week. This scared me like you wouldn't believe.   I Knew it was bad news and I'd have to wait till the morning to find out exactly what that was. Needless to say I had a restless night, as you can imagine. 

          I sat in the exam room with my sissy by my side.   We decided to let mom sit this one out because we knew she was already emotionally drained and we wanted her to have a little more sleep. We were waiting for my doctor to come in with results. When she did walk in, she sat down next to me and held my hand "It doesn't look good" she said.  She basically went on to tell me that  besides the cancer I have in my breast and my lymph nodes, I also have cancer in my liver, in numerous lymph nodes in my neck and chest and I have cancer on my spine. Three areas/masses to be exact, one of which can cause paralysis If it gets much bigger.
I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. I thought I was going to start hyperventilating. I thought I was going to pass out and collapse to the ground. How could this be happening to me?
          She said she wanted an MRI of my spine to really get a good look at it asap. She decided to admit me. She said while I'm at the hospital they can do pain management and put in a mediport.  So now I lay here and wait for them to come get me for the MRI.  In the meantime I'm morphine induced for pain.


  1. My sweet lil girl , I can imagine what you must be feeling right now.Scared angry,hopeless,helpless.So many feelings I know for I'm feeling them too.I believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus.Jesus will get you through this . I know its hard but trust in him for he performs Miricals . What ever comes we will fight it . We are not going to give up. You will not give up no matter how hard the journey .Just know there are lots of people who love you and are praying for you.Daddy and I and Diaman, all your Family and Friends. I'll be with you always and you will be in my heart as you have always been. Love you with all my heart and soul mijita de mi Corazon .

  2. My dear cousin Jeannette, I know you and I are not the closest of friends or relatives,I must say you and I are still apart of each other, even if it's only a corner in our hearts... I pray that the Lord guides you every step of your way through your journey, he wants you to closer to him,I pray that by his stripes you will be healed.Life has its never ending obstacles,you are strong and you will get through this... I thank God for giving you wonderful & supportive parents&family.We all Love You& Praying for You....(She dresses herself with Strength, strength & dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.....) Love You Always, Stephanie Gonzales

    1. Thank you very much that means a lot to me 🌻🌼🌹🌸🌺🌷


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