Moving along slowly

       My legs feel so heavy at times. It's hard for me to explain. I guess for me it's like dead weight. Taking one step up takes effort. It's not an automatic move like everyone else. Stepping up onto a curb, up into the entrance of my home or up into a high truck with a stepside for some examples takes thought, effort and strength (of which I have little of).
       If I have to walk up a flight of stairs I usually lose energy before I've reached the top. I have to reach up and grip the rail to help pull myself up for each step. Its a huge workout for my legs and makes them feel weak and wobbly. Once I've reached the top, if I continue to walk I have to concentrate on every step because my knees are shaky and I feel I could possibly collapse so I have to stop and rest or preferably sit and rest to regain some energy. 
     I went to the mall to pick up my son from work early one day. I walked from the parking lot, through the entrance, down a short hall, up halfway another hall and I was tired, out of breath and scanning around for a bench to sit or something to lean on. My legs were starting to feel dead under me. As if my legs have fallen asleep. I have to stop and sit and rest. My fear is that if I don't I will drop right there and then. I will no doubt be totally embarrassed. I will try and get up of course or at least scoot myself out of the way to sit on the floor for a bit until I could regain some energy. Of course someone will try and help me up but who knows if anyone will. Most people just walk on by.
     Some might look at me sideways and think that I'm being the biggest drama queen. This is not an exaggeration unfortunately but rather my real life.


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