5/27 1st Chemotherapy

          Chemo was scheduled at 9am. I was to take a medication 12 hours prior and then 6 hours prior.  I took it at 9pm the night before and set my alarm for 3am. I woke up at 7am frantic that I slept through the 3am alarm. So many unanswered questions ran through my head.  I didn't know if I had ruined the whole concoction. Was chemo not going to work cause I didn't take the medication at 3am.  Should I take it now or is it too late? Do I need to reschedule the whole thing?
I remember I was given a card two days earlier at my teaching appointment with a phone number that patients with cancer can call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  This was for any questions, concerns or to get a hold of the doctor for emergencies. I called the number and I believe I spoke with Chelsea. She was like..... well, since this is a "medication" question the only thing I can do is leave a message and they will call you back once they open after 8am. I told her I didn't know what to do. Should I take the pill and still go to my 9am appointment or should I not take it and still go.  Will they be able to still do chemo if I take it now (4 hours late) or will they say sorry they can't do chemo cause I didn't take it on time and now I have those drugs in my system for nothing. This was my first session and I finally got through to her that I needed answers. She could tell I was getting anxious and frustrated. She said she would contact the on call doctor and see what they say. Five minutes later my oncologist called me and said to take the pill and keep my appointment. Thank goodness!
          Sissy came to get me. We were a little early so I convinced her to make a quick stop at Chick Fila so i could get an oatmeal and orange juice. We got to the clinic and headed to the "Chemo Room" I took two steps in and looked around. This is it. It almost felt like the first day of grade school. Maybe I'll make a friend or two. I thought to myself, smile and be yourself. I didn't want to look scared but I was a little.  Patients were talking amongst themselves and I felt like the "new kid" I had the comfort of having my big sis with me. I wasn't alone. 
          Finally, I heard someone from the reception desk, which held about 5 females. "Hi, Has anyone helped you?" I looked over at her, took a quick deep breath and said I had a 9am appointment. She asked me my details to verify and then said I could take a seat wherever I wanted, and someone would be with me shortly.  The room was divided into 4 sections with 3 1/2 - 4 feet tall walls/partisans. I walked in and me and my sister both thought the last one #4 would be just fine. I sat in the furthest recliner and my sister brought my bag full of stuff. Drinks, snacks, pillow, blanket, extension cord, phone charger etc. I was sad to find out once I got settled that my sissy would not be able to sit right next to me. Family and friends had to be behind the partisan. Next time I will get the recliner right on the other side of this divider so we can be close.
          Both my nurses Valerie and Terry were very nice and kind. They explained that I would be getting an anti-nauseous and benadryl in my mediport first. They said that my chemotherapy consists of 3 different drugs. The first one would take an hour, saline flush. The second would take 90min, saline flush. The third would take an hour then lastly saline flush. 
          They tried to access my mediport but did not succeed the first time. I held on tight cause I'm a big scaredy cat and can't take pain. In all fairness I just had the mediport surgically inserted 2 days prior so I was still tender at this point. Of course the nurse felt awful and said she needed to use the bigger one. I wish she would have worded that differently. It's like saying, I know I caused you some pain but I have to cause you more pain cause I have to use the "bigger one". Sissy smiled and said I'll be ok. The nurse sprayed my skin to try and numb it a bit.  They began again to access my mediport, told me to take a deep breath. I felt some slight pain, well, more like tenderness and they were in. Thank goodness. They said from here on out if anyone tries to access my port to let them know they need the 1inch.
          I reclined in my chair, covered my legs with my blanket, had my phone next to me along with my water and tried to get comfy. Sister went to get settled in her spot. I remember getting a slight headache that went away after about 15 minutes. I didn't know what to expect. Was I going to "feel" the drugs go through my body? Will I feel nauseous and fatigue? I layed there and tried to relax. I knew I had a long day ahead of me.  They said since it's my first session they go slow with the medications. Other patients came and left. One man came for his medication for an hour and left. Another lady came and left. The lady in the corner recliner was there for a few hours. She was laying back on her side bundled in her blanket from head to toe. She poked her head out once when she adjusted her blanket. I don't think she cared for all the talking the other sections were doing. I felt bad cause I could tell she was worn out and tired. I couldn't see the other patients cause they were behind me but I could hear them.
          I was finally on my last medication. So far so good. No side effects as of yet.  Someone settled in diagonal to me and I noticed she was knitting something. She seemed to come alone. Older than me with short hair. She seemed nice. I wasn't meaning to stare but I was curious as to what she was knitting. I myself crochet and I didn't think to bring any yarn or hooks. We made eye contact and I asked what she was working on. She raised it up a few feet and said a shaw for fall time. I smiled and said I taught myself how to crochet but I've only done scarves and beanies so far. We hit it off and made small conversation. I made a friend :) and her name is Gloria. She gave me some advice and I was appreciative. We exchanged details and she said she had some head scarfs she wanted to give me. She had already went through hair loss and her hair was growing back. I think the medication she was getting may be maintenance medication that shouldn't cause any more hair loss. I'm not really sure to be honest.
          Well, it was nearing 330pm and I was done with my1st session. Yay! One down 5 to go! They said I should feel fine for 2 days and maybe feel nauseous by the 3rd day but they gave me medication for that. Two actually. One for light nausea and another for heavier nausea.  Sissy went to get the car and we headed back to mom's.

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