Hair Loss Situation

So as you all know I cut my waist long locks above my shoulders over a month ago or so. To get used to not having all this hair because chemo would cause me to lose my hair. Then last week my hair started falling out so I got a pixie cut. Then this weekend it began to come out in clumps. It was on my shoulders and back, all over my pillow and shower drain etc. Sissy said I had some bald spots in the back of my head. I broke down and cried. She reminded me that this was to be expected, just something that I have to go through. I wiped up my tears and took a couple deep breaths. I said I need to have it shaved. She said she would take me on Monday (today) or Tuesday. So yeah, I'm losing my hair, I'm going bald.  Yes I'm sad but I'll get over it and I'll get though it, this is just a small bump in the road of my journey.


  1. So yeah, I'm losing my hair, I'm going bald. Yes I'm sad but I'll get over it and I'll get though it, this is just a small bump in the road of my journey.
    cancer helpline


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