
Showing posts from May, 2016

Mediport Surgery 5/25/16

           Sissy said she would get to mom's house by 6am. Outpatient prep was to start at 7am and Mediport Surgery scheduled at 9am. We spoke a little on the way but she knew i was listening to my favorite talk show in the mornings, The Billy Madison Show on 99.5 Kiss. She said my voice sounded much better and it actually felt better too. I noticed when I took my medication that morning.           We got there, checked in and sat in the waiting room that was so cold and I'm never cold. They called me back to change into a gown and slip proof socks. Had me sit up on a bed in the prep area. There must have been 8 to 10 prep beds separated by curtains. Becky started my IV on the top of my right hand as I looked away (cause I don't like needles) I felt her wipe my hand and in between my fingers. I knew I bled and she was cleaning it up. She went and called sissy and gave her my bag of clothes and my shoes. Then Mindy came in, introduced herself as my Nurse and explained what

CT 5/24/16

Man oh man did this week go by sooooo fast. I had a few appointments scheduled. I'm happy I did cause I got alot done.           Tuesday the 24th I had a CT scheduled at my oncologist office.  The tech said I needed to drink at least 1-2 quarts of water before I could do the test and I didn't know. Luckily I had a large plastic cup of water but my throat was so sore. I sipped as much as I could as fast as I could wincing between each swallow. I must of drank about 8 ounces in 5 minutes cause I could only "seep" the water as opposed to "swallow" (does that make sense, I imagine it feels kind of like having strep throat) He kinda looked at the clock on the wall and I knew he had a schedule to keep.  I apologized and explained quickly about my throat.  My appointment was at 1215pm and maybe I was taking time away from his lunch? Who knows, he said I drank enough and took me back. I had a few request because of my neckbrace and not being able to lay back flat

Surgery for Port Placement tomorrow

           I'm not tired enough to sleep. Grrr! I'm too anxious because I'm have surgery tomorrow bright and early.  I'm having a Port placed on my chest. This will make it easier for them to administer Chemo. Everyone I've talked to who has one says it's so much more convenient.  I'm happy to hear that cause surgery scares me to be quite honest. Even if it is an outpatient procedure.  For those of you that don't know me very well, I can be a bit of a scaredy cat. Leaving at 6am, surgery at 7am and hopefully I'll be out of there by noon. I pray that everything goes well.           As far as my throat is concerned I may have noticed the slightest improvement when I had my soup around 3pm which gives me hope that things are healing but when I had my fruit smoothie around 6pm I had difficulty again. Which made me sad.  Mornings and evenings are the worst.  Maybe the soup went down easier cause it was hot and it warmed up my throat muscles.  Who knows,

Breast Cancer Journey: Ache in my heart vs Pain in my Throat

Breast Cancer Journey: Ache in my heart vs Pain in my Throat :            The dogs began barking and I heard the front door open. I applied little pressure downward on the extended leg rest on the recli...

Ache in my heart vs Pain in my Throat

           The dogs began barking and I heard the front door open. I applied little pressure downward on the extended leg rest on the recliner I was sitting in. The recliner rocked forward and that gave me view of the front door.  My son!  He's come to visit me! It's been almost a week since I've seen him.  Yes we text and yes we talk daily but actually having him here in the flesh makes my heart ache with happiness like you wouldn't believe.  He walks over to me and bends down to hug me.            My sissy brought him over to visit and to eat.  Mom made aroz con pollo with beans and homemade tortillas. (which filled the house with delicious smells reminding me of my youth) I get up and we make our way to the kitchen.  He sits down in front of a hot plate of food and I sit across from him. Happy to talk and just hang out.  I crush and disolve my meds in a small cup of water because Its painful to swallow my pills now and also, I get this feeling that my pills get stu

Thinking out loud only not out loud

          There are times in my day that I allow myself to "let it out" so to speak. Someone says something that makes me sad or asks me about my son. Sometimes my sadness just rises to the surface and I have to let out a few tears. I pretty much can control my emotions, for the most part. I put on a brave face and push through it. I say positive and encouraging things to myself. I pray to myself.  I'm my own cheerleader.            Well, as you all know, my throat has been hurting me like you wouldn't believe.  It feels like my tonsils are swollen along with my throat. They feel irritated and inflamed.  It hurts me to even swallow my pain medication. Sometimes the pill gets stuck in my throat and I have to keep sipping liquid to get it down or at least disolve it where it's at.  It's worse in the mornings. I did get numbing liquid medication to gargle with but for some reason it feels like it numbs the area a little but when I actually swallow something it

8th 9th & 10th Radiation

          So after my 8th session of radiation my throat was sooooo tender, sore and irritated.  I was happy to be done with it and happy knowing I only had 2 more sessions to go.  I also knew I was starving, me and my sissy both.  I had half a burger, some chicken nuggets and a salad in front of me for lunch/dinner. It looked so yummy and smelled even yummyer (I know that's not a real word) Before picking up the burger I patted it down a bit. When I say pat, I mean squish and flatten. I knew it was to thick and I wouldn't be able to wrap my mouth around it especially with this neck brace on. You don't know how bad I wanted to take this brace off and just take a bite out of this juicy burger that I was sooooo in the mood for.  The cheese was nicely melted,  the lettuce and tomato looked ripe and fresh. The bacon, pickles, mustard and pepper topped it off nicely. I didn't want to be unlady like and tear into this burger like a cave woman (you can call me Lana *insider*)

Not Again!

           I've just finished my 8th session of radiation.  Gotta thank my sissy for bringing me.  On to another appointment.  I sit here in a waiting room but this time it's for my sister. She had a mammogram 10 days ago and recieved a letter stating there was an area of concern and asked her to come back for a repeat mammo and ultrasound (same place where I had my mammo & US AND where I found out I had breast cancer.)           So, now I sit here with my sissy in front of me in a gown.  I never thought in a million years that she would be the one in a gown.  I'm sure it's just fatty tissue as usual.  She's had it before and I hope and pray that that's what it is again. Just waiting for the doctor to take a look at the ultrasound. They probably will need a biopsy to make sure it's just fatty tissue.  It has to be.  Dear Lord please....I beg you.... let it be fatty tissue.          She's always been my rock, my protector. I'm going to sound s

Radiation Therapy

          Tuesday April 26th I had an appointment with my Radiologist Dr. Lin.  He said I was good to start Radiation therapy and someone from scheduling would be calling me.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday came and went and no one called.  To tell you the truth, I was a bit scared of getting that call.  I tried being as brave as I could through it all from the beginning.  It was pretty much a whirlwind and I didn't have much time to be scared really.  In the hospital I was being attended to it seems, every two hours.  "Hi Miss Ortiz,  we're here to check your vitals,  Hi Miss Ortiz, we're here to draw blood.... we're here to give you pain meds,  breakfast lunch and dinner" that along with visitors family & friends, (let's not forget being sedated a good portion of my stay) well you get the point.  Now that I'm healing at my parents home I've had a lot more time to think.  Sometimes I wish I was still in the hospital as crazy as that sounds. 

Xray Pics

I received a copy of my xrays from my spinal surgery performed on 3/29/16 from Dr. Jude at my post-op appointment.  I decided to include them in my blog. Please do not copy and/or save pictures/xrays. Thank You. FROM THE BACK FROM THE FRONT FROM THE SIDE CLOSER VIEW ANOTHER ANGLE   #TeamSweetJean Fundraiser

Back to Mom & Dads House

          Mom and dad welcomed me at the front door with sincere smiles. I walked in gingerly, making sure to watch my every step because I still have to wear my neckbrace and the driveway is somewhat uneven with the lawn as is the front porch. All the plants and flowers strategically placed along with the lawn decorations/chairs and stepping stones.  It's really quite pretty if I do say so myself. Daddy holds back the door along with the doggies (1shorthaired &1 longhaired chihuahua) and mom holds open the glass front door.           I step in slowly taking a deep breath and I think to myself, here we go.  I walk through the living room making my way to the den to take a look at my sleeping quarters. Lol. My aunt Vera and her husband Steve bought me a recliner where I would spend alot of my time. During the day I would spend most my time with daddy, he never fully recovered from his stroke in 2012. He has his own recliner in the den and I think I'm pretty caught up with

RIOSA REHAB short n sweet

           Well, my stay at Riosa was short and sweet. I was released from Main Meth on April 7th and transferred to Riosa HealthSouth.  I must say I loved my stay there. I had a private room with an extra bed should anyone want to spend the night. I had a nurse come in every couple of hours to administer and/or manage my pain. I had 3 square meals a day and if I wanted anything else they pretty much accommodated me. Which was usually an extra cup of coffee or "ahem" an extra slice of toast. :) I had four 45minute sessions of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy a day.  I had two therapist Marta and Cell of which both were sweethearts. My family came to visit almost every day and I had a few family and friends come as well.  You don't know how much I enjoyed my visits! I also, so appreciated those days where no one showed up family nor friend. I got to lay on my bed and really relax and de-stress and not think of anything. Just let my mind wonder off to a far away me