Surgery for Port Placement tomorrow

          I'm not tired enough to sleep. Grrr! I'm too anxious because I'm have surgery tomorrow bright and early.  I'm having a Port placed on my chest. This will make it easier for them to administer Chemo. Everyone I've talked to who has one says it's so much more convenient.  I'm happy to hear that cause surgery scares me to be quite honest. Even if it is an outpatient procedure.  For those of you that don't know me very well, I can be a bit of a scaredy cat. Leaving at 6am, surgery at 7am and hopefully I'll be out of there by noon. I pray that everything goes well.
          As far as my throat is concerned I may have noticed the slightest improvement when I had my soup around 3pm which gives me hope that things are healing but when I had my fruit smoothie around 6pm I had difficulty again. Which made me sad.  Mornings and evenings are the worst.  Maybe the soup went down easier cause it was hot and it warmed up my throat muscles.  Who knows, I just have to take it one day at a time

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