Mediport Surgery 5/25/16

          Sissy said she would get to mom's house by 6am. Outpatient prep was to start at 7am and Mediport Surgery scheduled at 9am. We spoke a little on the way but she knew i was listening to my favorite talk show in the mornings, The Billy Madison Show on 99.5 Kiss. She said my voice sounded much better and it actually felt better too. I noticed when I took my medication that morning.
          We got there, checked in and sat in the waiting room that was so cold and I'm never cold. They called me back to change into a gown and slip proof socks. Had me sit up on a bed in the prep area. There must have been 8 to 10 prep beds separated by curtains. Becky started my IV on the top of my right hand as I looked away (cause I don't like needles) I felt her wipe my hand and in between my fingers. I knew I bled and she was cleaning it up. She went and called sissy and gave her my bag of clothes and my shoes. Then Mindy came in, introduced herself as my Nurse and explained what was scheduled and asked me if I had any questions. She had me sign and initial the appropriate paperwork on a clipboard. Then the anesthesiologist came in from behind the curtain and shook my hand. I remember this because it's the hand that had the IV and it was sore with his grip as he shook my hand. He explained his part and said he didnt think he would be able to put me completely under cause I needed to have my head back for intubation which he couldn't do because of my spinal surgery. He mentioned Versed and another drug that I can't remember that he was going to use instead. He said I might wake up towards the end of surgery but I shouldn't feel any pain, only that I would start to be aware of my surroundings. He asked if I had any questions but I didn't. He smiled and disappeared behind the curtain.
          My surgeon Dr. Robinson now came around the curtain and introduced his intern which I can't remember her name only that it sounded foreign, said she would assist him in surgery. I looked over at her and smiled kindly. There was a question/concern/obstacle as far as how they were going to work around my neckbrace cause its pretty big and bulky with alot of hard plastic. (I could kick myself for not bringing my soft collar) I mentioned if by chance they had a soft collar but they didn't have anything like that. I said they could take it off just to be gentle and I would need maybe a towel rolled under my neck kind of like the crook of my neck just for some stability, I'm just not supposed to move my head side to side or up and down, my spinal surgeon told me I was to keep my head straight hence the neckbrace. I got the feeling that made them nervous cause I can imagine my head flopping around as they move me from the gurney to the operating table and back to the gurney again without my neckbrace. OR, I suggested that once I'm laying in position they can move the front of the neckbrace up or down while leaving the back in place. My neckbrace comes in two parts. A back and a front held together on each side with adjustable velcro. I unhooked the velcro on the right side and showed them it wasn't a big deal and easy to do really. He took a look and said they should be able to work around it with no problem.  Dr. Robinson waved and smiled gently. He said we would be starting soon and everyone disappeared behind the curtain.
          I started to breath a bit heavier and I looked at my sissy and said I should have taken my anxiety pill cause I'm feeling very anxious. She assured me with a calm and certain voice and tone that everything was going to be fine. (I actually just now started crying out of nowhere while I'm typing this blog) Thinking back at that very moment just hearing her voice, so certain and positive, I can't help but believe her words to be true, as she gently caressed my arm.  She was my anxiety pill. It reminded me of when we were little. I always knew she would protect me. I honestly can't remember if she told me or if I told myself to take some deep calm breaths.
          Mindy came for me minutes later. She said it was time.  Rolled me into what looked like a typical operating room. They positioned me on the table, they put an oxygen mask on me and I heard the anesthesiologist tell me to take some deep breaths which I was glad to do. I woke up while they were still working on me. I kept trying to speak. I tried saying "Dr. Robinson...Dr. Robinson" but then I vaguely remember the anesthesiologist saying I would begin to wake up but I shouldn't feel anything, and I didn't. All I felt was a bit of tugging on my right side, chest and shoulder area. I could hear my surgeon talking to the intern. I remember him saying something like "I didn't know they did that in Moscow" or some Russian sounding city. She responded but I was very groggy. I do remember she had a light and lively accent. I remember thinking she sounded knowledgeable and competent which made me feel relieved. I heard him instructing her on how to close me up using some kind of technical technique. She continued without skipping a beat. I heard him to my left and she was on my right. Where my mediport was inserted. I don't know if my eyes were taped or if there was a cover over my face cause I couldn't see anything really. I closed my eyes and fell back into a relaxed calm state. 
          I remember vaguely being moved back to the gurney and rolled into what I'm assuming postoperative area. I think my postop nurse name was Rosie but I could be wrong. Then here came my sissy. Smiling. She grabbed a chair and sat next to me. I was supposed to have my "teaching" appointment for Chemo preperation after but I wasn't going to make it in time. So Sissy got on the phone and made sure I got it rescheduled for later that day or the next but no later because I was to start Chemo in two days. They made my appointment for later that day. She called mom and said she would have to bring me back for my teaching appointment. I'm sure Rosie had to watch my vitals for at least 30 minutes it felt like before releasing me.
          The anesthesiologist came to see me and I got a glimpse of his name tag.  I read the name Harle and I said "Raymond Harle" He said Raymond Harle is his dad and I said I remember the name cause the GI Group I used to work for would get patient referrals from his group.  He asked me which doctors and I said doctor Chumley's group and he said yes! I'm very familiar with that group. I said I was now with an ENT clinic down the street and he asked the name of the physicians and I mentioned a few and he said yes! They come in here from time to time as well. He said his dad passed away 3 years ago a month after retirement. I told him I didn't know and that I was very sorry. I said he had a reputation for loving what he did. He again smiled, shook my hand and excused himself. I smiled and was happy and relieved surgery was over.
          We were now just waiting for Rosie to discharge me. Once she did she told sissy to get the car and a young girl in scrubs came to wheel me out in a wheelchair. Sissy was gone before I knew it and I was wheeled down a hall, to a corner and left there to wait. For what, I have no idea.  I got cold and I was frustrated cause it felt like she forgot about me. It felt like I sat there for 15 minutes. People kept coming and going but my girl in scrubs was nowhere to be found. I was on the edge of my seat and about to get up and look for someone else to help me. She finally came from around the corner and I said something rude "are you going to take me now or what?" She walked passed me and looked back at me and said, "Yes, i just need to make sure with the nurse" and she disappeared down the hall. I was confused cause I thought I was already released. She came back a minute later and said, yes we are leaving now, so I gave her a smile. I was just worried cause I knew I had my sissy waiting outside for me and I didn't want her to block traffic waiting for me in the pickup area AND I knew we had to go to mom's, mom would have to bring me back and sissy had to go home and change cause she had to go to work. And here I am sitting in a wheelchair in a corner waiting anxiously to be wheeled out of here feeling like I'd been forgotten. I don't know why she left me there for so long. Time was of the essence and I didn't have time to waste sitting around for nothing. Finally got into the car and made our way to mom's.  Mom had made spaghetti and I was happy to see my son there eating. He came around and gave me a hug which made me sooooo happy. Sissy had time to grab a plate to eat but me and mom had to leave that instant if we wanted to make it on time.
I gave my son a hug bye and me and mom were on our way back for the "teaching" appointment

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