RIOSA REHAB short n sweet

          Well, my stay at Riosa was short and sweet. I was released from Main Meth on April 7th and transferred to Riosa HealthSouth.  I must say I loved my stay there. I had a private room with an extra bed should anyone want to spend the night. I had a nurse come in every couple of hours to administer and/or manage my pain. I had 3 square meals a day and if I wanted anything else they pretty much accommodated me. Which was usually an extra cup of coffee or "ahem" an extra slice of toast. :) I had four 45minute sessions of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy a day.  I had two therapist Marta and Cell of which both were sweethearts. My family came to visit almost every day and I had a few family and friends come as well.  You don't know how much I enjoyed my visits! I also, so appreciated those days where no one showed up family nor friend. I got to lay on my bed and really relax and de-stress and not think of anything. Just let my mind wonder off to a far away meadow filled with dandelions, blue sky and the warm sun on my skin. That might have been the medication kicking. lol
          My insurance apparently only paid up until the 14th and I was to be discharged on the 15th. I wasn't very happy with that because I felt the Therapy I was getting was helping me and I can feel improvements every day as far as balance, getting around and upper body strength/range were concerned. The decision was made for me to stay at my parents house for the next couple of weeks and continue with therapy at an outside facility which my case manager at Riosa would set up for me. The evening before my release my cousin Christine came to visit me. She sat and we chatted back and forth and then they brought me my dinner.  I raised the lid and put it back down. It was some kind of thin meat patty and two veggies for sides which I can't remember but it wasn't appealing to the eye. I asked her if she wouldn't mind if I eat while we converse (I was really hungry) and of course she didn't mind. I kind of picked at my food but wasn't very satisfied. She was on her phone texting as I ate and in between talking. I covered my food and set it aside. My sissy then showed up and the decision was made to order a pizza!! My cousin Christine had text my sister about my sad and disappointing dinner. Yay! We ended up having a pizza party with wings on my last night. What were they going to do? Kick me out: I'm kidding. Like I said I wasn't on any type of special diet so I guessed it would be ok. :)
          The next day I pretty much had all my stuff packed up and put away into my pink suitcases. My sissy came to get me and they wheeled me out in a wheelchair.  I'm going to miss this place, I thought to myself as they wheeled me through the corridors.  I wanted to take pics of my therapist but I just didn't have the energy after putting all my stuff in order so it would be easy to take. Maybe I will go back and take a picture with them and insert it here later. Finally, the clear double doors open and I'm wheeled outside. The nice warm breeze feels so good along with that sun on me and my face. Ahhh, it felt so nice.  I'd been indoors for so long and the fresh air and sun felt so good. My sissy had already drove up and had the back door open along with the trunk popped. She is fast I tell you. Before I could get out of the wheelchair all my belongings were in the car, trunk and back door closed and she was helping me up and getting me into the car.  Ride home was nice listening to music singing songs from kono.  🎶"Sad eyes, you'd knew there'd come a day, when we would have to say goodbye"🎶 and 🎶"you are the woman that I've always dreamed of, I knew it from the start, you walked away and that's the last I've seen of my heart"🎶 and 🎶"How's your life been goin' on? I've got a wife now, years we've been going strong, there's just something that I've got to say, sometimes when we make love I still can see your face"🎶
          Before you know it we're driving up the hill to mom and dads house. I take a deep breath and smile. This is going to be good for me. I'm going to miss my son but I will still see him, he's just down the street. I need to use this time to relax, heal, and keep up with outside therapy.  My sister does two light taps on the horn and mom & dad greet me at the door with huge smiles.

#TeamSweetJean Fundraiser


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