
Showing posts from 2017

Aches, withdrawal & depression, Merry Christmas to me

I've been in bed since Saturday night with a bad stomach bug. I missed Christmas and this makes me so sad. I heard the happy jolly festivities comencing in the rest of the house as I lay moaning and groaning in a bundle in the corner room trying to sleep it off on Christmas Eve. I heard the door creak open and I half awoke from a nap. I didn't realize my son was sitting on the edge of the bed by my side in the dark. The creak from the door opening was my mother checking in on me. I heard her step in and speak to my son. She said, "no, mijo don't cry, your mommas going to be ok" I was half asleep but I still felt that tinge in my heart as it ached for him as I hate making him sad. I drifted back to sleep as he layed down next to me. Although I was asleep I was a happy momma he was laying by my side. I heard my brothers check in on me as they whispered Merry Christmas to me each at separate times. My sister came in and offered to take me to the ER as she heard me

Discharged finally!

So my oncologist and the Floor doctor hesitated a bit but made the decision to discharge me yesterday afternoon. There was some hesitation because my potassium, magnesium and phosphorus were still lower than they'd like them to be. When I got to the hospital they were reading below the average low, now they are reading in the average low. This is after a week of them pushing it through on iv directly into the medaport in my chest for a week. Having diarrhea meant that whatever they gave me would go right through me. My chemotherapy medication was stopped because that was thought to be the reason for the diarrhea. Anti-diarrhea medication was given to stop the diarrhea but my body didn't respond until after a few days. Once the diarrhea was lessened then my body was able to absorb the potassium, magnesium and phosphorus that was being administered just at a slower rate. Days passed and my labwork showed that my readings would go up and then they would take a dip, then it would

ER visit

Well, I hadn't been able to eat for over a week. I had this very full feeling in my tummy. I was extremely fatigued to the point of faint or dropping to the floor with diarrhea every day all day. My mom secretly watched to make sure I had at least 4 bites of whatever they were having for dinner. I finally came to the hospital I was extremely dehydrated with kidney failure and my liver was out of whack, a small uti and belly infection just to give you a general rundown. So I was admitted. Still having diarrhea everyday all day. Trying to eat the hospital food which was pretty tasty.   Well, last night I finally threw up. My food was being collected in a nook or crany in my stomach. The fluid was coming out in the form of diarrhea but not the solids. Needless to say I immediately felt better for about an hour but then the stomach cramping started up again to where I was crying and nausea was the worst. I didn't throw up everything and what I had left made me feel horrible. I

I'm dying

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink is my favorite color, but it goes beyond pink for me. I'm stage 4 because the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes, chest, neck, liver, lung and bones with NO cure. When people think of Breast Cancer Awareness month they also think of Susan B Kolmen. People feel it in their heart to give/donate. Even though I'm happy that they raise so much money for "Early Detection" and "Spreading Awareness" only about 7% goes towards research in finding a cure. (Not sure if that's from all donations or just grants which is even less) I was heartbroken to learn this. Isn't "for the cure" their slogan? Now, obviously I can't tell them how to allocate their donations/grants but 7% doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be more? At the least 30%. I just get so fired up because I'll always be on chemo I'll never be cancer free and I'll never be in remission because there still isn't a cure.

Rough day

Today was a rough day. My back pain was at an all time high today and I decided to still go to work. Yes, my surgery was a year ago and yes, I'm at a desk job now but I've also been on chemo this whole time. That in itself halts my body from healing every three weeks for an entire week. There has also been a temporary change to my pain medication. Two more days and I'm back on my normal medication. Any person who would have had the same surgery would be so much further along in their recovery. In case some of you are new to my blog let me fill you in and catch you up. I was in a car accident November 2015 and began to have upper back and neck pain about a week after. I went to see a doctor in December who said I had whip lash. He said I would heal and the pain would gradually go away. It actually got worse and he made me feel like I was being a baby because he saw nothing on the xray which included vertebrae C1 - C5. The typical area where whip lash would show any damage.

CT Results

Well, it's not the news I wanted to hear. My cancer is no longer "stable" It has progressed in my lung and lymphnodes. My run with perjeta, herceptin and taxotere has come to an end. My oncologist is trying to get Tykerb and Xeloda approved by my insurance. Once approved I will no longer take my original medication through my mediport every 3 weeks but rather my new medication In pill form two weeks on and one week off. I'm worried how my body will react to stopping the medication I've been on for just over a year and starting something completely new. Will it be a shock to my body? I'm worried of the side effects of the new medications. Especially the sores in my mouth and the hand and foot syndrome which causes my palms and bottom of my feet to dry up and crack and bleed making it difficult to walk. Of course the usual side effects of diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue are attached to these drugs. I'll face any and all issues as I'm faced with them. I g

That time again already?

I couldn't sleep well last night, I tossed and turned. A three letter question krept into my dreams and woke me. A few times today, out of nowhere, tears filled my eyes and an instant lump swelled in my throat because that same three letter word snuck up on me causing me to cry silent tears. Crying because I know I'll never have an answer. Crying because there is no answer. A few days before chemo my mind goes into overload and I mentally start counting down the days. I start to feel sad and depressed the closer I get thinking of what could of been, what is now and what could be in the future. My heart body and soul know I have chemo tomorrow. That three letter word haunts my dreams and taunts me when I'm awake. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, looking into my sad hurt eyes, looking at my bald head, looking up towards the heavens, tears streaming down my cheeks, silently screaming that single question. My brain understands that there will never be an answer, ev

Can't help it.

The week following chemo I'm such a blubbering mess. The sickness that engulfs my body is a constant reminder that I'm sick. That I've got a chronic disease to deal with for the rest of my life. That it's cancer I live with and It's  terminal. During this week that follows chemo, my emotions are all over the place. Sad, depressed, mad and if I'm being honest a bit jealous. Sad and depressed that I have to put my body through this just to stay alive. My quality of life in between sessions isn't all that. Yes I'm alive. Yes I'm living. Yes I'm working, getting out, spending time with my son, family, friends. Facetiming with my boyfriend, but doing all that at very low energy. Any time you see me doing anything it's because I'm forcing myself to use energy that I have little of. I'm so very mad because with this illness my body would much rather be sitting in a recliner resting, laying in bed sleeping, going through social media, watc

I'm addicted to Morphine

I've been on Morphine for just over a year. You can't stop taking it cold turkey. It's not good for your body and I found out the hard way. I called in a refill last Thursday and my prescription wasn't filled. They are pretty good at refilling the same day or at the latest the following day so I wasn't worried that I only had a day left of morphine because I thought for sure I'd get my refill before the weekend. Yeah, I was wrong. My doctor left work for the weekend on Friday without calling it in to my pharmacy. Her nurse suggested I take vicoden for pain over the next couple days which I did.  By Sunday my body started to react. I was going into a dark depression with thoughts of dying and suicide (this hurts my heart like you wouldn't believe to admit this). I couldn't get myself out of bed. I was crying because I wanted to give up. I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.  I didn't have the will or desire to do anything but lay in bed.

Friday May 5th 2017

Today was a waste. I woke up with a spirt of energy and I was happy. I actually said out loud, "It's gonna be a good day" the sun had just risen and the air was crisp. I went to run an errand and unfortunately it depleted all my energy for the rest of the day.  Walking from my car at the curb to the front door was a chore. I almost ran out of steam halfway up the driveway but I said to myself I better not stop, keep walking and that I could rest once I got inside. The door was locked, ugh, I had to knock as my knees buckled a bit. I leaned on the door until someone unlocked it. Once inside I made it to the kitchen table and sat down happy to take the weight and pressure off of my weak legs. I feel as if I have no muscle tone on my body whatsoever. I tried to eat a taco but I could only stomach one bite. I then tried a biscuit but my stomach wasn't having it either and I realized I had no taste. Man that really sucks.  I spoke a few words with daddy and I felt

Just so tired.

I'm just so tired. I'm three weeks shy of being on chemotherapy for 1 year. I get my infusions every three weeks and I'm always fatigued. Always. The week after chemo is the worst of course. Five days after chemo I had to go to the bank and go inside to withdraw funds for my rent. I couldn't do it at the atm because it succeeded my daily withdrawal amount. Well, there was a long que and I immediately felt worried because I knew I'd be standing for a while with nowhere to rest. I wasn't halfway through and I began to look around to see if there were employees readily accessible because I felt I might need a chair soon because my legs were feeling weak under me. As I stood there in line I could feel my body sway a bit. I shifted my weight and kept telling myself that the line was moving along and I'm getting closer and closer. I could feel my head and shoulders getting hot. I felt like a marionette puppet attached to strings that my mind controlled. I had

Alone or with family?

Crazy as it seems, even though I have stage 4 terminal cancer, I've never thought of where I want to be when I take my last breath. At home surrounded by family. At a hospital surrounded by family In hospice surrounded by family In hospice alone where family remembers me alive and kicking and next in a casket. I'm hoping I don't have to decide for a very long time but being advanced stage 4 and having made alot of acquaintances and a few friends with this disease along with the support groups, I get a notification at least once a month of someone passing away from this horrible disease. It really breaks my heart and is so depressing but it's reality. We are all going to die one day. Some of us get to choose where and with who.

Moving along slowly

       My legs feel so heavy at times. It's hard for me to explain. I guess for me it's like dead weight. Taking one step up takes effort. It's not an automatic move like everyone else. Stepping up onto a curb, up into the entrance of my home or up into a high truck with a stepside for some examples takes thought, effort and strength (of which I have little of).        If I have to walk up a flight of stairs I usually lose energy before I've reached the top. I have to reach up and grip the rail to help pull myself up for each step. Its a huge workout for my legs and makes them feel weak and wobbly. Once I've reached the top, if I continue to walk I have to concentrate on every step because my knees are shaky and I feel I could possibly collapse so I have to stop and rest or preferably sit and rest to regain some energy.       I went to the mall to pick up my son from work early one day. I walked from the parking lot, through the entrance, down a short hall, up

I'm not psychotic!

Ok, here's the thing. Most people say you can't "feel" cancer. I can't "feel" my cancer. The only thing I feel is the constant ache in my back from the surgery that's being controlled with morphine but that's a different thing all together.        Anyhow, like I was saying, I can't feel the cancer that's in my breast and metastasized to my lymphnodes, chest, neck, liver, lung and bones. I sometimes feel gently on those areas and wonder if I'm feeling the cancer. I'm stage four which is lifelong. When I die I will die with cancer. May not be because of cancer but will definitely be with it.        I got very good news a few months ago. Actually, it was WONDERFULLY AMAZING news that anyone in my situation would hope to hear. My cancer has shrunk. It is considered NEAD - No Evidence of Active Disease! The CT can not detect it. Which means it has shrunk to under a centimeter or more!!! Oh Happy Day right? Well, I was a bit happy in

What does depression look like?

I'm on the fucking Verge. I'm on the fucking Verge. You have no idea how close I am to breaking. I'm about to fucking snap like a fucking weak-ass twig. I feel like everything that I touch is a failure.  A decision was made to not shine any light on me to not love me to not help me to not lead me in the right direction and I don't know why, I don't know what I've done to not be allowed to have any happiness in my life. A lost soul  left to wander aimlessly. It hurts so bad to love with all your heart and not have that love returned. I don't want to make things worse because as bad as it is and as close as I am to tipping over the edge I know that he can make it worse and I really don't want that because if it got any worse if it got any worse then how it is now, I don't think anything can help me or stop me from doing something permanent and even though nothing is going right in my life my son means everything to me and I really really really don

Poker face

Wide awake. Can't sleep. So you get this.  I was on Facebook a lot (what's new) and I had gotten good at playing Texas Hold'em (I was in the millions!) Anyhow, I liked playing the tournament's because first of all,  you don't get players hoping on and off the table. Once you get a full table the game begins and no one else is allowed on. One by one players get outplayed and they are removed automatically from the table. Second of all, I'm competitive by nature, in a passive aggressive kind of way I guess. Who knew? I'm one of the sweetest persons you'll ever meet. I mean, it is online after all with total strangers. I love that you get to play with other people. Like, real life people who have to have a Facebook account to play. You could even "chat" with them in real time during the game. Become facebook friends even.        Well, these tournaments are tables of mostly men. Of course they always want to chat me up because I have a cute

Just a Rant.

I'm her2+ and on herceptin, perjeta and taxotere. I've been getting chemotherapy infusions every 3weeks since the end of May. So that makes over 9 months. My cancer has shrunk since December but my oncologist wants me to continue with chemo. I'm so tired of being sick every three weeks for an entire week. Yes, I feel some symptoms are lighter than what they were in the beginning but I still have them. I'm still miserable, fatigued, body ach, bone ache, stomach ache, fever flashes, dizzy, unbalanced, nauseous, muscles twisting, cramping etc etc. Don't get me wrong. I'm so ever grateful for each day I'm alive but sometimes I'm just so tired. That's all. Rants over.

Chemo #14 & update

Well, I've just completed round 14 of my chemotherapy regime. Labs look great and my cancer marker is at 8.8 which is awesome! After explaining that my symptoms are still pretty rough and last a whole week with 3 days being the worst she frowned and seemed genuinely concerned that my body hasn't gotten used to it more. I don't think I voiced this to her much because I figured it was normal. This is all new to me so how was I to know. We'll, she said since my cancer has shrunk and my markers are way down and my labs always look great she is considering dropping the taxotere. This is the one that's causing the majority of my symptoms! Once dropped my symptoms should be much more bareable and even lighten drastically! At least this is typical in most cases. I can't wait! Oh happy day! Maybe one or two more cycles and then she'll drop the taxotere. That's the plan anyways. Eeek! I'm so excited and it makes this and the next couple chemos bitter sweet. I


My last CT showed NED (no evidence of disease). I had mets to lymphnodes, chest, neck, liver, right lung and bones (spine). My oncologist still wants me to continue perjeta, herceptin, taxotere, zometa and steroids. I guess to keep up the momentum? I'm sooooo tired of being sick for an entire week. Actually this last time is over a week. It's so depressing. I get my infusion every 3 weeks. I'm just tired and frustrated. I know I need to look at the silver lining...NED. Chemotherapy Treatment Fund  Click here for 1st option :) Click here for 2nd option :)

It's been a tough year

I took a screenshot of a post I made two weeks shy of a year ago. I was lost, sad, alone and depressed looking for "Others" who were stage 4 like me. I'm so happy I found a group on Facebook with so much love and support. We laugh and cry with each other and we've shared our ups and downs. I'm tearing up because I knew no one with stage 4. Everyone else who knew someone with cancer told me to fight and that I would be in remission before I knew it and I could be cancer free. They didn't "get" or understand Stage 4. I had to explain that it was a LIFELONG thing. I will ALWAYS have it till the day I die. No chance of remission. I have to learn how to live with it. I can never go back to my normal life. My oncologist said I was to be on chemotherapy INDEFINITELY. Of course things could change as far as how often I do chemo and what she puts me on if something stops working on me but yeah. It's been a tough year and I feel the dust is just now

Happy News

I wasn't sure whether to share this news but I just can't help it!  I'm so Happy I could Boun ce! I've been on FMLA (family medical leave act) for 11 months. It's usually only for 3 months but my employer kept extending it until I felt well enough to go back to work. They also kept my insurance "Active" even though I couldn't pay my premium. I'm sure they knew that I'd eventually get to paying them back once I decided to go back to work with auto deductions from my paycheck. Which was the plan because I'm a responsible adult.        Well, long story short. I called payroll today to find out what I owed for last year and this year so far so I could set up a payment plan. Remember, I've been out of work for 11 months. He said that someone, who wants to remain anonymous has paid up all my premiums up to date for my medical, dental and vision. I owe nothing! Zip, Zilch, Nada! AND they are continuing to pay. I don't know until

Good Morning :)

       Well, i'm off this week from work. They are giving me the week after chemo off due to my typical symptoms. My employer is great about it, God is Great.        Well, I had lite stomach aches Friday and Saturday night throughout my sleep but my days have been ok. I was fully expecting to wake up sick today because I was having head fevers throughout Saturday and Sunday night but, no. I woke up ok, just a bit hungry. My stomach is a bit bipolar this morning. It's going from stomach ache to hungry in a matter of seconds for the past 2 hours. Since I still have some energy in me I'm thinking of getting up and getting some food in my tummy!        I had chemo on Friday. I'm usually good for two days, that being Saturday and Sunday (thanks to steroids) and USUALLY my symptoms kick in on Monday (today). But I'm doing pretty good considering. My head fevers have subsided and my energy is average and my stomach is a bit bipolar but like I said I might eat something

Chemo 13. Am I depressed?

Well, chemo#14 went as planned. The only difference is that I went alone. I've been spoiled for too long. I usually have my sister or my mom with me. Not by my choice entirely. I don't mind either way cause I hate putting people out but it helps keep things in order as far as information given to me whether it be results or future tests that I need to get cause I can be forgetful. They like supporting me and in their eyes I'm not putting them out. So I got everything except my zometa which is my bone strengthener. I get that every 6 weeks. I got my usual cocktail of Perjeta, herceptin and taxotere. I got benadryl and a steroid as well. My markers are at 10 I believe. I'm not having a CT in March which I'm surprised cause I get a CT every 3 months. She seems to think everything looks good. The last CT didn't detect any cancer which means it has shrunk to under 1cm everywhere and my markers are low. My labs are very good according to her. There is no indication

Sometimes I get sad.

Sometimes I forget that I'm sick. Sometimes I feel normal. There are times when I'm sitting on my recliner watching tv and it's like I'm back in time. To a time beyond a year ago, before finding out I had breast cancer. To a time when I had a normal life.  Then, as I'm watching TV a commercial about a new medication comes on and I'm instantly snapped back to reality. The new medication is to help treat or shrink cancer and at that moment it feels like a vacuum has sucked the air right out of me. Reminding me that I have cancer and I'll never be rid of it. How dare I for a moment forget that fact. My eyes instantly swell and fill with tears. I take a deep breath and tears run down my face. There's a lump in my throat that feels more like a knot. Sadness overcomes me and I begin to quietly weep.

Chemo 11

1 bag Saline, 1 bag benedryl and anti nausea, 1 bag Perjeta, 1 bag saline, 1 bag herceptin, 1 bag saline, 1 bag taxatere, 1 bag saline, 1 bag bone strengthener, 1 bag saline. Got started around 930am and got unhooked at 130pm. I'll be good for 2 days before symptoms kick in. I'll be sick for at least a week, I'll be getting better for 2 - 3 days after that then I'll be back to myself for 7 - 10 days then I go back to do it all over again. Indefinitely still at this point. Good news is that the cancer has shrunk but my doctor wants to keep up the momentum we have going on. My oncologist said I still have cancer, I'll always have cancer. It's just a matter of maintaining it and living a new normal life around the treatments and sickness I have to go through every 3weeks for the time being. Why am I smiling? I woke up today so I'm good. :)